Saturday, August 23, 2014

Idaho Supreme Mashed Potatoes and Moryachok Herring Fillets with Onions

Bought 2 of these herring fillet packs on clearance on Brighton Beach Avenue for $1.50 each: the expiration day was in the next 6 days, so they set up a table on the street and began pricing them for cheap, and i decided to give it a try. I put the herring fillets in the fridge and remembered about them after 15 days past due the expiration date, so I went to the Deals store and got this box of Idaho Supreme potato flakes. I quickly whipped up the mashed potatoes, with added spices and seasonings of my own. Chopped the onion, and popped-open the pack of herring fillets - they were nice and tasty, and even thought 15 days went past expiration date, they still tasted fine [like new] and had no problems or defects to them. If only these clearance fillets were available for purchase all the time.

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